进出口食品中生物苄呋菊酯、氟丙菊酯、联苯菊酯等28种农药残留量的检测方法 气相色谱-质谱法
Determination of pesticides residue of 28 kinds of including bioresmethrin?acrinathrin?bifenthrin in food import and export-Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method
Determination of pesticides residue of 28 kinds of including bioresmethrin?acrinathrin?bifenthrin in food import and export-Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method
Determination of chlorfluazuron residues in vegetables for import and export-High performance liquid chromatographic method
Determination of chlorfenapyr residues in food for import and export
Determination of indoxacarb residues in food for import and export- GC and LC-MS/MS methods
Determination of captan residues in fruits for Export GC and GC-MS/MS method
Determination of metaldehyde residue in foodstuffs for export-GC-MS method
Determination of butralin pestcide residue in foodstuffs for export
Determination of metaflumizone residues in food for export-LC-MS/MS method
Determination of carbamate pesticides residues in foodstuffs for import and export- LC-MS/MS method
Determination of thidiazuron residues in food for export- HPLC method