谷物联合收割机 噪声限值
Limits for noise emitted by combine harvester
Limits for noise emitted by combine harvester
Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry-Technical means forensuring safety-Part 7: Combine harvesters, forage and cotton harvesters(ISO 4254-7:1995,MOD)
Corn combine harvester
Agricultural and forestry machinery-Safety-Part 1;General requirements(ISO 4254-1:2008,MOD)
Tractors,machinery for agriculture and forestry ,powered lawn and gardenequipment-Safety signs and hazard pictorials--General principles(ISO 11684:1995,MOD)
Maize thresher
Whole-feed rice and straw thresher - Technical regulations
Hand-feed rice and straw thresher - Technical regulations
Thresher-Testing method
Safety technical requirements for threshers