Technical requirements and tests for damper(EC 61897:2020,0verhead lines -Requirements and tests foraeolian vibration dampers, MOD)
Technical requirements and tests for damper(EC 61897:2020,0verhead lines -Requirements and tests foraeolian vibration dampers, MOD)
Test method for electric power fittingsPart 3 : Heat cycle tests for electric power fittings
Technical requirements for overhead line helical fittings
Test method for electric power fittings Part 1:Mechanical tests
Manufacture quality specification for electric power fittingsHot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles
Cast iron ,copper and stainless steel valves with screwed connections
Butterfly valvesforwatersupply anddrainage
Resilient-seated gatevalvesforwatersupply anddrainageservice
General purpose industrial valvesFlanged iron gate valves
Metallic sealing butterfly valve