无损检测 术语 泄漏检测
Non-destructive testing-Terminology-Leak testing
Non-destructive testing-Terminology-Leak testing
Non-destructive testing-Test methods for radiographie testing of circumferential fusion-welded butt joints in metallic pipes and tubes
Non-destructive testing-Terminology-Eddy current testing
Non-destructive testing-Terminology-Terms used in X-ray digital radioscopic testing
Non-destructive testing-Terminology-Terms used in radiographic testing
Non-destructive testing-Terminology-Terms used in penetrant testing
Non-destructive testing-Terminology-Part 13 :Ultrasonic testing with arrays
Classifications and designations for metal heat treatment
Non-destructive testing-TerminologyPart 12 : Radiation methods for industrial computed tomography
Non-destructive testing-Terminology-Part 10: Magnetic memory testing