电缆和光缆在火焰条件下的燃烧试验 第33部分:垂直安装的成束电线电缆 火焰垂直蔓延试验 A类
Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions-Part 33 :Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mountedbunched wires or cables-Category A
Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions-Part 33 :Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mountedbunched wires or cables-Category A
Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions-Part 13 ;Test for vertical flame propagation for a single insulated wire or cableProcedure for determination of flaming Droplets/particles
Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions Part 12:Test for vertical flame propagation for a single insulated wire or cableProcedure for 1 kW pre-mixed flame
Common test methods for insulating andsheathing materials of electric and optical cables-Part 32:Methods specific to PVC compounds-Loss of mass test-Thermal stability test
Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for ratedvoltages from 1 kV (U.=1.2 kV) up to 35 kV (U =40.5 kV)-Part 3: Cables for rated voltages of 35 kV(U.= 40.5 kV)
Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from1 kV (Um=1.2 kV) up to 35 kV (U=40.5 kV)-Part 2: Cables for rated voltages from 6 kV(U. =7.2 kV) up to 30 kV(U =36 kV)
Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from1 kV (Um=1.2 kV) up to 35 kV (U=40.5 kV)-Part 2: Cables for rated voltages from 6 kV(U. =7.2 kV) up to 30 kV(U =36 kV)
Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltagesfrom 1 kV (U =12 kV) up to 35 kV (U=0.5 kV)-Part 1;Cables forrated voltage of 1 kV(U. = 1.2 kV)and 3 kV(U = 36 kV)
Conductors of insulated cables
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V-Part 2:Test methods