环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验 XA 和导则:在清洗剂中浸渍
Environmental testing-Part 2:Test methodsTest XA and guidance:Immersion in cleaning solvents
Environmental testing-Part 2:Test methodsTest XA and guidance:Immersion in cleaning solvents
Environmental testing-Part 2:Test methods-Wind pressure
Environmental testing-Part 2:Test methodsTest Ke :Sulphur dioxide test for contacts and conneetions
Environmental testing-Part 2:Test methods Test Q:Sealing
Environmental testing-Part 2:Test methodsTest N:Change of temperature
Environmental testing-Part 2 :Test methods-Test Z/AD:Compositetemperature/humidity cyclic test
Environmental testing-Part 2 :Test methodsTest Z/ABDM:Climatic sequence
Environmental testing-Part 2:Test methodsTest Cy:Damp heat,steady state ,accelerated test primarily intended for components
Chrome ores-Determination of magnesium,aluminum,silicon ,calcium ,titanium,vanadium,chrome,manganese ,iron and nickel content-Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method
Cast iron-Determination of multi-element contentsSpark discharge atomic emission spectrometric method (Routine method)