固定式电子设备用锂离子电池和电池组 安全技术规范
Lithium ion cells and batteries used in stationary electronie equipments Safety technical specification
Lithium ion cells and batteries used in stationary electronie equipments Safety technical specification
Explosive atmospheres-Part 20 : Equipment withequipment protection level(EPL)Ga
Explosive atmospheres-Part 14:Classification of areasExplosive gas atmosphere
Rule for the inspection of siliconcarbide abrasive materials for export
Fluorescent induction lamps-Safety specifications
Rules for the inspection of cable and wire for import and export Part 1:General requirements
Primary batteries- Part 4: Safety of lithium batteries
Eleetrical safety of machinery-Funetional safety of safety-related eleetrical,electronie and programmable electronic control systems
Eleetrical safety of machinery-Funetional safety of safety-related eleetrical,electronie and programmable electronic control systems
Safety code of electrie power industryPart of high voltage laboratory