土壤 pH 值的测定 电位法
Soil — Determination of pH — Potentiometry
Soil — Determination of pH — Potentiometry
Soil and sediment-determination of carbamate pesticidesperformance liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole massspectrometr
Soil and sediment— Determination of carbamate pesticides—Post-column derivatization- high performance liquid chromatography
Soil and sediment—Determination of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid,perfluorooctanoic acid and their salts—Isotope dilution liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry
Soil and sediment—Determination of 19 total metal elements —Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Soil and stream sediment-Determination of iodine content-Pressurized ammonia extraction inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Determinations for isotopes of lead?strontiumand?neodymium in rock samples
Determination of 131I in marine sediment- counting method
Soil quality-Determination of total content and isotope ratio of organic carbon andnitrogen of soil and biological samples-Stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry
Radiochemical analysis of Plutonium in water and soil samples