Assessment procedure for marine dumping ofinert inorganic geological material
Assessment procedure for marine dumping ofinert inorganic geological material
Ships and marine technology-Protective coatings and inspectionmethod-Part 3:Cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers
Ships and marine technology-Protective coatings and inspection method Part 2: Void spaces of bulk carriers and oil tankers
Ships and marine technology-Protective coatings and inspection method Part 1:Dedicated sea water ballast tanks
Economical operation for fuel oil boilers of ships
Marine boilers and pressure vessels-Part 1:Performance requirements
Fixed equivalent water-based fire-extinguishing systems for ship
Small craft-Deck safety harness and safety lineSafety requirements and test methods
Lifesaving appliances for inland waterway ships-Bed-type,pillow-type and cushion-type
Limits of airborne noise emitted by marine diesel engines