Wrought copper and copper alloys-Deteetion of residual stress Ammonia test
Wrought copper and copper alloys-Deteetion of residual stress Ammonia test
Wrought copper and copper alloys-Detection of residual sfressMereury nitrate test
Steels for welded round link chains for mines
Methods for chemical analysis of tin-lead solders Part 11:Determination of phosphorus content-Crystal violetphosphorus-vanadium-molybdeum heteropoly acid speetrophotometry
Inspeetion method for bonding ability of sintered friction elements
Sintered metal friction materials-Determination of apparent hardness
Sintered metal friction materials Determination of compressive strength
Sintered metal friction materials Determination of tensile strength
Sintered metal friction materials Determination of transverse rupture strength
Sintered metal friction materials-Determination of density