农药登记用卫生杀虫剂 室内药效试验及评价 第9部分:驱避剂
Laboratory efficacy test methods and criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration-Part 9:Repellent
Laboratory efficacy test methods and criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration-Part 9:Repellent
Laboratory efficacy test methods and criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration-Part 8:Dustable powder and chalk
Laboratory efficacy test methods and criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration-Part 7:Bait
Laboratory efficacy test methods and criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration-Part 6:Liquid vaporizer
Laboratory efficacy test methods and criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration-Part 5: Vaporizing mat
Laboratory efficacy test methods and criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration-Part 4:Mosquito coil
Laboratory efficacy test methods and criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration-Part 3:Smoke generator and smoke tablet
35 mm cinematography Technical specification of magnetic sound test film
Standard method for using the ferrous sulfat (Fricke) dosimeter to measure absorbed dose in water
Water ring vacuum pumps and comprssors-Method for measurement of volume flow of gas