产品几何技术规范(GPS)表面结构 轮廓法 木制件表面粗糙度比较样块
Geometrical Product Specifications(GPS)Surface texture:Profile method-Roughness comparison specimens for wooden pieces
Geometrical Product Specifications(GPS)Surface texture:Profile method-Roughness comparison specimens for wooden pieces
Propylene oxide for industrial use
Inspection of grain and oils-Determination gelatinization propertiesnin cereal and starch by viscograph
Fibre-reinforced plastic composites-Determination of the punch-type shear strength
Fibre-reinforced plastic composites-Determination of interlaminar shear strength
Fibre-reinforced plastic composites-Determination of flexural properties
Methods for chemical analysis of silicate rocks-Part 11:Determination of potassium oxide and sodium oxide content
Methods for chemical analysis of silicate rocks-Part 10:Determination of manganese oxide content
Method for chemical analysis of rocks and ores-General rules and regulations
General principle of nomenclaturenand classification of radioisotope products