无线传输式聋儿听力言语训练设备 通用技术条件
General specification for the wireless hearing system equipmentnfor the deaf children
General specification for the wireless hearing system equipmentnfor the deaf children
Walking aids manipulated by both arms-Requirements and test methods-Part 3:Walking tables
Walking aids manipulated by both arms-Requirements and test methods-Part 1:Walking frames
General rules of coloured light for safety
Hand protection-General test methods
Fire performance requirements and test methods for fire fight vessels
Fire-resistance tests-Elements of building construction-Glazed elements
Method of test for explosion limits of combustible gases in air
Gass-Hydrolytic resistance of glass grains at 121?-Test method and classification
Non-active surgical implants-Osteosynthesis and joint replacement implants Part 1:Particular requirements for osteosynthesis implants