Textiles-Quantitative chemical analysis-Mixtures of elastane and certain other fibers
Textiles-Quantitative chemical analysis-Mixtures of elastane and certain other fibers
Textiles-Quantitative chemical analysis-Part 4;Mixtures of certain proteinfibres with certain other fibres (method using hypochlorite)n(IS0 1833-4:2017,MOD)
Test method for identification of textile fibers-Part 6;Fibre melting point
Sports helmets-Safety requirements and testing methods forsports helmets for cyclists and users of skateboards and roller skates
Leather-Physical and mechanical tests-Determination of surface coating thicknessn(ISO 17186;2011,MOD)
Case and bag-Test method for rotary drum
Case and bag_Test method for impact resistance by means of falling weight
Case and bag-Determination of capacity rate
Footwear-Test methods for shanks-Longitudinal stiffness
Footwear - Critical substancespotentially present in footwear andfootwear components -Part 1:Determination of phthalate withsolvent extraction