纺织品 色牢度试验 耐四氯乙烯干洗色牢度
Textiles-Tests for colour fastnessColour fastness to drycleaning using perchloroethylene solvent(ISO 105-D01:2010,MOD)
Textiles-Tests for colour fastnessColour fastness to drycleaning using perchloroethylene solvent(ISO 105-D01:2010,MOD)
Package of cotton goods and knitwear
Textiles-Tensile properties of fabriesPart 1:Determination of maximum force and elongation at maximum forceusing the strip method(ISO 13934-1:1999,MOD)
Textiles-Qualitative chemical analysis-Part 26: Mixtures ofmelamine and cotton or aramide fibers(method using hot formie acid) (ISO 1833-26:2013,MOD)
Textiles-Quantitative chemical analysis Part 25 : Mixtures of polyester and certain other fibres(method using trichloroacetic acid and chloroform)(ISO 1833-25:2013,MOD)
Textiles-Quantitative chemical analysisPart 24:Mixtures of polyester and some other fibers(method using phenol and tetrachloroethane)
Textiles-Quantitative chemical analysis Part 23 : Mixtures of polyethylene and polypropylene(method using cyclohexanone)
Textiles-Quantitative chemieal analysisPart 21: Mixtures of chlorofibers,certain modacrylics,certain elastanes,acetates,friacetates andcertain other fibers(method using cyclohexanone)
Textiles-Quantitative chemical analysis Part 17 :Mixtures of chlorofibers(homopolymers of vinyl chloride)and certain other fibers(method using sulfurie acid)
Textiles-Quantitative chemical analysis-Part 16 : Mixtures of polypropyleneand certain other fibres(method using xylene)