Common portland cement
Common portland cement
Test methods for water requirement of normal consistency ,setting time andsoundness of the portland cement(ISO 9597:2008,Cement-Test methods-Determination of settingtime and soundness,NEQ)
Methods for chemical analysis of cementn(IS0 29581-1:2009,Cement-Test methods-Part 1:Analysis by wel chcmistry,NEQ)
Methods for chemical analysis of cementn(IS0 29581-1:2009,Cement-Test methods-Part 1:Analysis by wel chcmistry,NEQ)
Sunglasses and sunglare filters-Part 2:Test methods(ISO 12311:2013,Personal protective equipmentsTest methods for sunglasses and related eyewear,NEQ)
Spectacle frames-General requirements and test methods(ISO 12870:2016,Ophthalmic opticsSpectacle frames-Requirements and test methods,MOD)
Cycles-Lighting and retro-reflective devices-Part 2:Retro-reflective devices(ISO 6742-2:2015,MOD)
Cycles-Lighting and retro-reflective devices-Part 1: Lighting and light signalling devicesn(ISO 6742-1:2015,MOD)
Safety requirements for bicycles(ISO 4210:1996,CyclesSafety requirements for bicycles,IDT)
Safety technical specification for electric bicycle