润滑油蒸发损失的测定 诺亚克法
Standard test method for evaporation loss of lubricatingoils by the Noack method
Standard test method for evaporation loss of lubricatingoils by the Noack method
Standard test method for high temperature foamingcharacteristics of lubricating oils
Determination of foaming characteristics of lubricating oils
Test method for water in petroleum products-Distillation method
Petroleum products-Calculation of viscosity index
Standard test method for measuring viscosity at high temperatureand high shear rate by tapered-plug viscometer
Standard test method for measuring apparent viscosity at high-temperature andhigh-shear rate by multicell capillary viscometer
Engine oil - Determination of borderlinepumping temperature
Standard test method for determination of yield stress andapparent viscosity of engine oils at low temperature