振动与冲击 机械导纳的试验确定 第3部分:冲击激励法
Vibration and shock-Experimental determination of mechanical mobility Part 3: Measurement using impact excitation
Vibration and shock-Experimental determination of mechanical mobility Part 3: Measurement using impact excitation
Shell machine reamers and arbors
Carbon steel castings for general engineering purpose
Belt drives-Geometrical inspection of grooves for classical and narrowV-Pulleys-Part 2:System based on effective width
Belt drives-Pulleys for V-belts(system based on datum width)-Geometrical inspection of grooves
Determination of nitrided case depth and metallographic microstructure examination for steel and iron parts
Vibration and shock-Experimental determination of mechanical mobility-Part 2:Measurements using single-point translation excitation with an attached vibration exciter
Non-destructive testing-Ultrasonic thickness measurement
Mechanical vibration-Evaluation of machine yibration by measurements onrotating shafts-Part 3 :Coupled industrial machines
Mechanical vibration and shock-Experimental determination of mechanical mobility-Part 1:Basic terms and definitions,and transducer specifications