普通照明用 LED模块 安全要求
LED modules for general lighting-Safety specifications
LED modules for general lighting-Safety specifications
Self-ballasted LED lamps for general lighting services>50 -Safety specifications
General safety requirements for civilian used primary battery
Content limitation of mercury,cadmium and lead forzinc anode primary battery
Safety of primary and secondary lithium cells and batteries during transport
Self-ballasted electrodeless fluorescent lamps for general lighting services Safety requirements
General rules of explosion-protect techniques of reciprocating internal combustionengines for explosive atmospheres-Part 1 :Group I engines for use in flammablegas and vapor atmospheres
General rules of explosion-protect techniques of reciprocating internal combustionengines for explosive atmospheres-Part 2 : Group I engines for use in flammabledust atmospheres
General rules of explosion-protect techniques ofreciprocating internal combustion engines for explosiveatmospheres-Part 3:Group I engines for use in undergroundworkings susceptible to firedamp and/or combustible dust
Safety requirements of flameproof crane and metallurgical motors and canned motors