HJ 1153-2020 固定污染源废气 醛、酮类化合物的测定 溶液吸收-高效液相色谱法
Stationary source emission—Determination of aldehyde and ketone compounds —Solution absorption- High performance liquid chromatography
Stationary source emission—Determination of aldehyde and ketone compounds —Solution absorption- High performance liquid chromatography
Soild waste—Determination of inorganic elements—Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
Solid waste-extraction procedure for leaching toxicity Acetic acid buffer solution method
Solid waste-Extraction procedure for leaching toxicity- Sulphuric acid & nitric acid method
Solid waste-determination of Lead and Cadmium-graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Solid waste-determination of Lead, Zinc and CadmiumFlame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Waste solid-extraction of organic compoundsPressurized fluid extraction (PFE)
Solid waste -Determination of 22 metal elements Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry
Solid Waste-determination of Organic Phosphorous Pesticides Gas Chromatography
Solid waste-determination of total barium-(iraphite furnace atomicabsorption spectrophotometry