农业部2349号公告-5-2015 饲料中磺胺类和喹诺酮类药物的测定液相色谱-串联质谱法
Determination of sulfonamides and quinolones in feeds-Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Determination of sulfonamides and quinolones in feeds-Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Determination of sulfonamides in formula feeds High—performance liquid chromatography
Determination of diazepam in feedsHfigh-performance liquid chromatography
Determination of some kinds of sedatives in feedsHigh performance capillary electrophoresis-hpce
Determination of diazepam in feedHigh performance liquid chromatography
Determination of clomiphene in feedsHigh-performance liquid chromatography
Determination of anastrozole in feedsHigh-performance liquid chromatography
Determination of chloramphenicol in feedGas chromatography mass spectrometry method
Determination of choramphenicol in feed-Gas chromatography