球墨铸 铁 用 生 铁
Pig iron used for spheroidal graphite cast iron
Pig iron used for spheroidal graphite cast iron
Blankdetail specification for semiconductor inte-grated circuit fusible-link programmable bipolar read-only memories
Guangdong onglaze decoration porcelain
Glass blank of ophthalmic lenses
Test method for carrier concentration of silicon epitaxial layers Capacitance-voltage method
Test method for crystallographic perfection of epitaxial layers in silicon-Etching technique
Test method for sheet resistance of silicon epitaxial,ndiffused and ion-implanted layers using a collinear four-probe array
Metric threads Where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads
General purpose metric screw threads The plan for pipe systems
Thermoplastics pipes-Determination of resistancento external blows-Round-the-clock method