Interference calculation methods of coast radiotelephone station operating in high frequency bands
Interference calculation methods of coast radiotelephone station operating in high frequency bands
The specifications of encoding parameters of digital television for studio
Rubber compounding ingredients-Pelletized carbon black-Part 4:Determination of mass strength
Transformers and inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment-Part 3:Sectional specification for power transformers on the basisnof the capability approval procedure
Rubber compounding ingredients-Pelletized carbon black-Part 5:Determination of pellet size distribution
Rubber compounding ingredients-Pelletized carbon black-Part 1:Determination of pour density
Gas for electronic industry-Phosphine
Rubber compounding ingredients-Pelletized carbon black-Part 6:Determination of individual pellet crushing strength
Calibration of field pyrheliometers
Junction-to-case thermal resistance test methods of packages for semiconductor integrated circuits